
The Perfect Pup, LLC

Ideas For a Safe and Fun New Year’s with Your Dog

Ideas For a Safe and Fun New Year’s with Your Dog

Ideas For a Safe and Fun New Year’s with Your Dog

New Year’s Eve can certainly be a scary time for dogs but with a little planning, it can actually be a fun time for them. The noises of fireworks and parties may scare your dog so try to keep them distracted with some fun activities at home. These activities will be even more fun if you invite friends and their dogs to come over. The Perfect Pup is a dog training facility and daycare in Deep River, CT. We will be closed for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, but we wanted to share some ideas for a safe and fun New Year’s Eve with your dog.

Ideas For a Safe and Fun New Year’s with Your Dog

Host a dog safe party.

Set up a gathering that will be both fun for dogs and humans. A dog party doesn’t take much to plan and can distract the dog from the noises of fireworks and other things that may scare them. Have each friend bring over a recipe for humans as well as a treat for the dog attendants to snack on. Just make sure all of the ingredients are dog safe and that the humans will be able to make it home safely after.

Create a dog calendar for the new year.

Many drugstores and printing companies offer the service of custom printing of paper goods. Have all of those dog and human selfies from 2021 printed into a calendar for 2022. Don’t forget to get a few photos of you and your dog celebrating the new year. You can even make it into a yearly tradition and have a New Year’s calendar printer every year!

Try a new dog treat recipe for the new year.

There’s nothing wrong with having a quiet New Year’s Eve at home and having your dog be a taste tester for some new homemade dog treats. You’ll be starting out the new year by trying out something new! If the dog treats end up being a hit with your dog, you should consider giving them as gifts to your friends with dogs. Here are some great ideas for dog treats to try and bake.